System's Malfunctions and what is behind them (English)


Welcome Future Traveler Followers, (all over the world)

Today I would like to show you something intresting. This is a  map of my brain, logical and systemized, where I am always thinking about, how we fucked up many things over and over again. 

Our system based on traditional aspects, that are our cultural-religious-political system broadcasting to the nations and to the people. However, this has no control, no planning and it's based on inequality and differences between the layers of the society. And the root of this problem actually, there is no balance with the nature, what we are exactly depending ourself too. 

This system based on patriarchy, and not gender equality we can see on the social fields the injustices against different groups:  LGBTQ community; Women  who are free thinker, want to become leader and controling; childfree community; reffugees; handicaped people. These groups are fighting against discriminations continuesly every day, they are also fight with the ineffective law sytem, and institutional systems

In an other way, the overpopulation is making harder to help those people, who need quick developing in their lifes to live better and nowdays the climate change threaten their lifes too and soon have to leave their homes. So, the source of this serious field is the violance against women society, who can not make decisions above their own life. They don't get informations, chance to study and work and have less children if they could not use contraception tools, or when the male society using violance in wars, but not just there (domastic violance, childmarriage , and those women and girls can't choose abortion to not grow the numbers of children or the orphans and the reason is political-economical-religious norms that based on national states. 

The unwanted children, who has no chance to reach the equality and if we not care these problems, we will generate further problems. I know this is harsh and how can I say belongs  to it I am emphaty, but when I speak about population controlling or planning that means to support that the violance can't determinate the women's life and possibilites. We have to take it serious the injustice situations, war crimes and rapes, childmarriages that force 13-14 young girls to become mother and give birth without any limitation and can't join to education and working place. When I speak about it, so harsh, I want to arrange the orphans problem, who are living in a system that not guaranteen equal rights, decisions and exploiting by men, with human trafficing, prostitution or sex slave working ( sometimes they blackmail the prostitutes with their children to work.) So, yes, overpopulation is the main point, because this is the only one race on the Earth that growing rappidly, but the others are on the way to become extinct, because of our conquare ( consuming, polluting the enviroment and destroy it. (deforestation, fishing industry, agriculture...). 

And we are destroying the climate, using fossil fuels, instead of  alternative energies. And investing more into, because we are almost 8 billion, but in inequality the poors can't allow to themselves to live healthier or modern and sustainable lifestyle. The balance will be not be able sustainable to everybody. Also the ecological and climate crisis causing war crisis too.

As you can see that the situation in Ukraine, which is an energy war, that means with gas and fossil industries built up an empire to attack a neighbouring country, every business and finacial benefits payed the cost. Putyin using religious tools to involve people to this war and manipulate them to they have to restore the old glory of the Sovietunion under true christianity and it is just the ortodox one. Not just mass extinctions, also mass famine and drought threaten many places, so Ukraine's agriculture is also a key for the fights.  

When we are analizing further the upper part, you can see the structure of the social injustice the anxiety mentaly problems, that can make with yourself traumas, burn out, depression, anger and fear which is a catalizator of the hateness to not care with others  (  feeding : rassism, sexism, discrimination) Nowdays, the youth are afraid of the future and how to handle the changes that effect their lifes they are not prepared for wars, suffer from egistential anxiety, climate anxiety and they are trying not panic and force the adults generations, leaders, political members to do something. 

However, they are not know that key is the balance to survive and avoid the global collapsion. That's why we have to care with women injustice is, punish the criminals to keep themselves to commit sexual crimes, make total equality in globally and using Artificial Intalligance to know, how to become effective with less people. Don't force those people who realised the key point and support the intention to adopt orphan children and financialized them, who want to help them to avoid danger situations . 

With these changes and common rights and useful global laws that working to the people can have power over their lifes and decisions, they can cure from tragedies harrasments, abuses, violance. Because we have to protect the women to not exploding the number of population in developing countries. Also give opportunity for the equal life with us, being mature, educated, informative, know that why we have to take back ourself and care with the balance and actually, this should be the religious leaders tasks, to not force the unwanted and unplanned children, children from rapes and don't punish the abortions.  

Now you see at the moment the humans are building the order of war and every way goes to there. With this system the partriarchy, that do not accept the enlighment of the women society, the independence of this group, that we need same rights also, protections to not make the crises much worse with unreasonable decisions, to have rights for leading also cooperating with males, instead of fighting. To build a new world with the age of Equality and constant peace to develope not demolish, what we have. 

In order to show the faces of the wars and fight for the world peace I've connected to the HWPL society to help the youth's works, so officialy I've become a blogger, who can turn intention to the media to show reality  of social injustices and consequances of them to the enviroment. 

Future Traveler
Minden jog fenntartva 2019
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